Fishing licences


In the state’s public water areas outside village borders a sufficient fishing licence is the fisheries management fee. It is to be paid if the person is between the ages of 18–64 and fishes with a lure or snares or fishes crabs. The payment authorizes the fishing with a single lure in almost the whole country. Occationally fisher also needs a permit from the proprietor of the local water area. The fisheries management fee goes to the maintenance of fishing grounds and fish populations as well as the supervision and guidance of fishers.

In front of the City of Kemi is a free recreational fishing area established in 1994 for the use of the residents as well as tourists. The fishing in the area only requires the payment of the state’s fisheries management fee. Individuals under 18 or over 65 are not obliged to pay the fee.

The area in the Bothnian Bay requiring a lure licence covers the private water areas from Tornio to Simo. The licence authorizes fishing with lures without restrictions to the amount of fishing rods used. If the fishing takes place with only one rod, the fisheries management fee is suffiecient. More information on the recreational fishing area and the lure licence on the City of Kemi website.

The area in the Bothnian Bay requiring a snare licence includes small water areas under the control of Metsähallitus and are situated in the sea areas between Kemi and Kokkola. More detailed information can be found on the list of water areas.

The private waters of the coastal area from Tornio to Simo belong to co-operatives. When fishing with more than one rod per person a co-operative licence is required.

The Veitsiluoto Fishing Spot always requires a licence:

  • Licence can be purchased as a mobile licence through the service. The price of the licence is 15 € / calendar day or 12 € / 8 h during a single calendar day. In addition seller collects a 2 € delivery fee. By an online payment the purchaser gets the licence in under 5 minutes and the store is open 24/7.
  • Licences are also sold at Neste Lapintuuli (Veitsiluodontie 19). The service station is open 24 h / day.
  • From Lapintuuli you can also rent a boat to the fishing site.

Also Isohaara in River Kemijoki always requires a licence:

  • Fishing center of River Kemijoki estuary (Virtatie 59, Kemi) sells licences for Isohaara. The price of the licence is 17 € / day.
  • Fishing equipment and boats for rent as additional Services.
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