Bothnian Bay National Park


The national park of the Bothnian Bay is situated in the outer archipelago of Kemi and Tornio. The Bothnian Bay National Park represents the northern marine nature at its most beautiful. The rocky islets, blooming coastal meadows and juniper heaths provide beautiful sceneries and good nesting places for many birds.

The first island of the park rose from the sea over one thousand years ago. The upthrust shapes the landscape one millimeter at a time. For centuries the area has been used for fishing and seal hunting. Stone foundations and wooded braces tell stories about the former life on the barren islands in the middle of the northern sea.

In summer the bright open sea invites the whole family to a day trip or even an overnighter. The artefacts, photographs and stories of the restored Pensaskari fishing headquarters shed light on the bygone times of fishermen. On the Selkä-Sarvi nature trail (2 km) one can enjoy the landscape of the sea shaped archipelago. If there’s time, accommodation can be booked from the Selkä-Sarvi or Vähä-Huituri rent huts.

The Bothnian Bay National Park is mainly a summer destination. To reach it it’s necessary to have a boat or to utilise the services of the Inner Old Harbour entrepreneurs. During winter the national park can be reached with a snowmobile or by skiing.

How to reach

Jähti guarantees its passengers pleasant and safe sailing experiences in the ways of the old times. Jähti operates booked and public cruises. Find more information /

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