First of May!


Let’s celebrate the first of May!


Hopefully the first of May can be spent safely with a slightly larger group. We put together a few tips to get inspired.


For brunch or picnic

In a traditional way, many restaurants offer a brunch: 

Ravintola Merihovi

Hertta Sky

Ravintola Lumihiutale

Sataman Krouwi



Donuts belong to the celebration of 1st of May. You can order takea-away donuts from Cafe Hertta.

Spring attracts out to enjoy

Grap a picnic basket and head out to the park for picnic. Sheds and campfire sites also provide nice scenery for the 1st of May. Various outdoor activities such as yard games, cycling, geocaching or hiking are also good ways to enjoy the early spring.

Events on 1st of May

Motorist Church in Kauppatori beginning at 13.00.

Vietnam Twist in Sataman Krouwi at 13.00.

Matti Virtasalo Trubaduuri in Cafe Bar Ankkuri at 13.30 – 14.30.

1st of May Picnic concert at Meripuiston Laululava beginning at 15.00.



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